Meetup 56

Topic: Web Design & Design Systems
Date icon
11 October 2022 at 18:00
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Amfiteatar centralne zgrade Univerziteta u Novom Sadu

Shuaiqi Sun (Mr. Biscuit)

Independent design system architect

Predrag Novaković

UI/UX designer & front-end developer

Shuaiqi Sun (Mr. Biscuit)

Independent design system architect

Predrag Novaković

UI/UX designer & front-end developer


Shuaiqi Sun (Mr. Biscuit)

Independent design system architect

Build a Composable Design System in Figma

A system can’t anticipate and produce every configuration of every need anyone ever has. Instead of building a feature-rich component with complex variants, we should build decoupled, autonomous components that allows the consumer to quickly assemble at will.

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Predrag Novaković

UI/UX designer & front-end developer

Sinergija User Interface dizajna i Frontenda

Opšte je poznata sveprisutnost sinergije u svetu oko nas. Koliko je ona bitna i koliko su User Interface dizajn i Frontend zapravo srodni?Kako dobar UI dizajn postaje dobar Front-end kod? Na koji način Figma sa svojim front-end orijentisanim feature-ima pomaže i olakšava u kreiranju kvalitetnog User Interface dizajna?

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