Meetup 58

Topic: Web Development
Date icon
08 December 2022 at 18:00
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Amfiteatar centralne zgrade Univerziteta u Novom Sadu

Harry Roberts

Consultant Web Performance Engineer

Sebastijan Dumančić

Partner & Web Lead @ PROTOTYP

Harry Roberts

Consultant Web Performance Engineer

Sebastijan Dumančić

Partner & Web Lead @ PROTOTYP


Harry Roberts

Consultant Web Performance Engineer

Optimising Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

Since Google announced their Core Web Vitals (CWV) initiative, being fast is more important than ever. However, despite being by far the easiest CWV to monitor, debug, and optimise—in both the lab and field—Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is still the one that most websites struggle with.

In this very practical talk, we’ll look at what exactly comprises LCP, how we might be working against ourselves, and how to make opportunistic optimisations to get ourselves back in the green (and beyond).

And even if none of those terms meant anything to you, don’t worry! You’ll leave this talk fully equipped to go back to your own projects and clients and make all the improvements they’ll need. Get ready to ask for a pay rise.

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Sebastijan Dumančić

Partner & Web Lead @ PROTOTYP

MVP uz Firebase i niske troškove

Mnogo je toga potrebno za uspešan projekat: frontend, backend, DevOps, stručnjaci za baze podataka i sigurnost, serveri, hosting i mnogo novca. Šta kad biste sve to mogli odraditi s Firebase-om i skalirati mnogo više nego što ste očekivali?

U ovom predavanju Sebastijan će proći kroz svoja iskustva građenja brzog MVP-a, te skaliranja uz minimalne infrastrukturne troškove, sve u Javascript-u i Node.JS-u pisanom od strane frontendera.

Naučićemo o dobrim i lošim stranama Firebase-a i kako se pripremiti za budućnost.

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