Meetup 63
Rino de Boer
UX designer & YouTuber Living With PixelsMilan Milićev
Web designer & founder LevelAp DigitalRino de Boer
UX designer & YouTuber Living With PixelsMilan Milićev
Web designer & founder LevelAp DigitalRegister to Attend
Rino de Boer
AI is going to be better at design than you, so how do you adapt?
Whether you like it or not, AI is becoming pretty good in generating visual elements. And this is just the start. Soon AI is going to generate full websites in WordPress. So how do we adapt as designers? How do we convince developers that they still need us (because they do) when they can generate designs with a single click? We need to talk.

Milan Milićev
10 praktičnih saveta kako da 10x ubrzaš izradu veb sajta
Izrada veb sajta ume da bude dug proces, a svaki proces može da se unapredi. Istražićemo načine kako možemo da podignemo nivo naše usluge, kako da pružimo klijentu bolje iskustvo u radu sa nama, kako da znatno skratimo vreme izrade veb sajta, bez ugrožavanja kvaliteta koji pružamo. Tokom ovog predavanja imaćete priliku da čujete konkretne savete, bilo da ste tek na početku veb dizajn karijere ili imate već godine iskustva u veb dizajnu.

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